"After playing about 20 hours of Lost Odyssey I can give more of a comprehensive opinion than just stating that it makes me wet myself, which is true. The game is awesome, until the most recent areas in the game (black cave, old sorceresses mansion), I haven't been bombarded with random battles and it's been rather nice. To be able to walk through an area where you are supposed to explore each little crevice in order to ensure you do not miss any items (like my main characters ONLY new weapon as of yet) and not have to stop every 6 steps to fight 6-8 of the same creatures you've fought 20 times in the last 10 minutes is...well, quite nice."
So, alright, that was an entry that I began writing a few weeks ago or something and I haven't posted since then. I read that and I was like, damn that is fucking boring. Like wow, who wants to read that? However, I will continue to say that after reading that piece of crap entry above, I still agree with what's in it, I just wish it was more interesting. But it's not, so you know what, deal with it...Anyhow, Lost Odyssey is the bomb and I'm on disk 3 but I've stopped playing for the time being. I need that week that exists out of time (no responsibility, no one else around, lots of, ahem, "goodies") so that I can re-immerse myself into the game. For the time being it's all Halflife 2, which is the booooomb! Except for the complete lack of direction in many areas. Hey, why don't we leave you in the middle of a field with a buncha barrels and boxes and you can just wander about aimlessly chucking them around with your grav-gun until something lands on the right spot and opens a door which is a 3 minute walk backwards......that make any sense? (The sentence itself is so badly constructed I'm not sure if it's even readable). Anyway, I'm on my way to Radio Shack so that I can buy myself an ethernet cable long enough to reach from my room all the way to my 360 so that my friend will buy me a year of XBox Live, then I'll have so much more useless crap that I can buy with just the push of a button!
Finally, on another note, keep checkin my myspace...new (and delicious) BMWBeatz are in production.....