So I played Lost Odyssey again last night for the first time on my non-
HD TV and it's making me sad. That's right, Brendan is a sad panda. I thought my eyes were just groggy and blurred from wearing contacts for too long but it turns out Lost Odyssey is one of those games that essentially requires an HDTV. After squinting and sitting closer to the TV for a few hours I began to get frustrated and started to weigh my options. I'm on disc 4 so there's about 10 hours of play time left in the game and this means I could easily finish it without too much trouble if I just got used to not being able to read everything. My other option would be to wait twenty five thousand years until I can afford an HDTV and
then finish the game, but that option seems to suck. Actually, both options seem to suck. Damn
Xbox is a fucking money pit. So my advice to anyone who is considering buying Lost Odyssey without an HD situation of some sort, just wait, it'll be better. Playing the first 3 discs on HD was amazing and the game is totally the shit. However, as you might expect with an expansive RPG, it wants to look pretty and without some High Definition pixels or whatever to feed on, it does not look pretty and it feels sad. It hurts the games self esteem, alright? Be a little fuckin' sensitive, christ... Also, since when is "
ethernet" not a word, huh
google!? That's a bad spellcheck, bad!
Look how happy I look while wiring up the Xbox! That was before the ceiling collapsed. After pictures are far too
embarrassing and interesting to post on this blog.
1 comment:
HAHAHAHAHA! You're awesome. I think it's hilarious how you and Tess wired it. Did you finish the game on your TV? And seriously, when we move in together we are gonna spend some moneys on a nice TV. money from where? I dunno, but it will happen. You can finish it this summer when your parents spend most time in joysey! JOYsey indeed. I can no longer wait.
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