Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Eeeevil! Also, There's a Raider Stuck in the Ceiling...

So, I finally caved and decided to play Fallout 3 over as an evil character and found that it's fun all the same, but I just can't dedicate myself to being truly evil. I mean, my rating's still well into the "Very Evil" range but that's mostly due to theft...and the occasional murder. It definitely changes some things though, like I killed the crap outta those vampire fucks in the train tunnel, "The Family". But only after convincing them to let the kid they recruited go. So, basically I made peace between them and Arefu...then went back into the tunnels and rocked their shit with a missile launcher. That was truly satisfying. Those guys are messed up, I don't care what the Karma-meter says!

But I couldn't bring myself to kill the little kid whose parents were murdered by fire ants, Billy Wilks. On the other hand I did tell him they were "ant-food" and he called me an asshole...but I still saved him and got him a home in Rivet City! ...all while I was stealing heavily from just about everyone on that ship. I also popped some caps into Dukov. I felt that since I'm playing as a woman character, even if I'm evil, it's my obligation to stop pimping in the Wastes. So far, I've been pretty evil I guess, but just not as evil as I could be.

I've also found that I didn't even do some of the quests! I never met 3-Dog (owuuuuu) and went into the Washington Monument which is funny because I definitely went to GNR Plaza, guess I just never ventured inside. I gain the occasional Karma from doing quests like that and saving that chick from Dukov. So, even if I'm an asshole, Billy, I've still done some good deeds in my life! ...At least I didn't blow up Megaton.

Maybe once I go back to the Pitt I'll really go the distance, in the meantime, I'll stick to theft to keep me in the "Very Evil" range. Hell, I figure I'll just get the perk that makes you really good at the end if I want to be good again, right?

On another note, there's a raider stuck in the ceiling..and he's kinda deformed. Seriously, check it out...

How bizarre.

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