Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Final Thoughts on Prey

I finished Prey today and while it was fun, it was way too easy and altogether not that satisfying of a gaming experience. The game doesn't allow you to die...which is convenient but kinda makes battles seem pointless. You can just stand still, get shot at, die, come back...etc etc.

The spirit realm you get sent into when you run out of health. You shoot arrows at the red flying thingies to get your health back.

Some of the later weapons turned out to be pretty cool. I guess I just prefer more realistic weaponry to bizarre alien alternatives. The guns I really liked in the game were the first one, comprable to a machine gun/sniper rifle combo, the shotgun-like rifle that shoots green goo at your enemies and another gun that seemed like a chaingun or something. In a sci-fi environment it wouldn't really have made sense to have human weapons but I just find random alien crap kinda dull a lot of the time.

The shotgun-esque weapon and a view of your protagonist's girlfriend being tortured...good times.

Some of the scenery later in the game was pretty cool, lots of large geometric shapes containing reasonably fun puzzles and battles. This didn't make up for much though.

The final boss is within that box, probably the most fun fight in the game, but still not that great.

Overall, I wasn't impressed. Despite these few cool-looking scenes most of the game takes place in random alien hallways and caverns. The ability to change the center of gravity, allowing your character to essentially rotate rooms seemed cool at first but eventually got pretty tiresome and just rather confusing.

One of the cooler looking areas in the game.

The end was probably the most fun part, but I definitely am not gonna be playing it again. I don't really have much more to say about it.

Prey gets a best. I'm gonna tackle Spore next, we'll see if it does any better!

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