Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Watch this...

I'm not sure if it's possible to like, "over-post", but I figure I'm gonna get lazy again soon and not post for a while so today will be jam-packed with delicious morsels!

Here are some friends, one of whom is featured in another post below, havin' a little tussle. I call this, "Jasper Pounces on Monty for Whatever Reason". Wow, pretty touching stuff.


Muffin said...

hah, that's totally my foot they're fighting under! nice.

tracy. said...

Cats. Shannon's foot. Floor. NICEEE. You should put some music with that. GOD BRENDAN! Did you take that with your phone? Cause that's actually pretty awesome if you did.