This shot is one of my first Triple Kills...

Two well placed shots was all it took.

Next up is my Overkill, in all its glory. You can see me on the right there and my rocket flyin' towards that poor gent on the left.

After him I let off another rocket towards those two guys who appear to be attempting to flee from me on the Mongoose.

That left me with a Triple Kill, and I set my sights on two more fellas right down the way.

The player in the back was kind enough to launch a rocket at the guy in front of him, which effectively killed both of them and left me with the credit for one of the kills. At least I think that's what happened because I couldn't have shot, as I'm in the midst of reloading.

There they go...and...

Hooray, Overkill for me! Thanks guys.

Soon after this I got my Killing Spree medal by jumpin' over dethklokpwnz and blasting him with a rocket. That's a stupid name anyway.

And here's the winning shot, awarding me a Double Kill...

And victory.

And here's the final stats...hovering over my dead body.

See ya next week.
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