Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Friday, October 31, 2008

Stupid COD4 People and Their Dumb Mouths

So, I've been hearing so much meaningless nonsense from other players over the speakers while playing COD4 recently that I've decided to share some of it with you. Firstoff, we've got the fact that I played a number of games with a person whose Xbox Live account name was... (this is for EVERY GAME btw)...drumroll please... "doodoojelly". That's right, doodoojelly. I had to stop playing when I kept seeing "you were killed by doodoojelly" pop up on my screen. An honorable mention that I should give is the discussion I overheard about how you can be Jewish as an ethnicity, but not be Jewish in general, or some such nonsense. It occurred between a few fervent 10 year old idiots. And lastly, I had to hear some jackass go on and on about his "ACOGs", which is a type of scope that you can attach to your various weapons. I quote, "I'm gonna take out all my ACOGs". Now, that quote doesn't sound that bad, but just imagine the little bastard listing all of them after that, "my AK ACOG, my M4 ACOG," etc...whatever, I guess that one's boring but it was seriously annoying, for serial.

Seriously though, doodoojelly? Come on.


tracy. said...


Papagayo said...

what the fuck is this post about?