Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stupid Xbox Live Gamertags

I've been compiling a list of stupid Xbox Live Gamertags while playing online. So here's the first entry in what will hopefully be another ongoing segment "Xbox Live Idiocy Revealed"

Here are the first 14 names I've come across that are totally dumb (in no particular order). To those with Xbox Live accounts, avoid these people as they are very stupid and do not deserve to interact with other people over any medium.

1. ThickatTheBasE
2. Z5 PuneJuice 5Z
4. Slap Happy27
5. joe mama pooooo
6. Dr PooBreath - Side note here, "Poo" is a fan-favorite amongst idiots.
7. SpreadThatAss
8. PooBreeze
9. skullfxxker469
10. butthole4bandit
11. Punknsk8rules - this one isn't offensive in the same way as the others, I just hate names like this..."sk8"...somehow that just makes me so angry...
12. Hickevilbstrd
13. cooterfaceman
14. HaLfR3Tard3d

Keep in mind that these are their names for EVERY game they play using their Xbox Live accounts. No dignity...I'm not saying every name has to be a literary reference or some such artsy thing, but seriously, stop putting "poo" and "skullfucker" in there.

1 comment:

keetens said...

I don't know if this makes it better or worse, but Slap Happy is a really famous porn series in which the girls give really rough degrading blowjobs.