Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I didn't Finish Lost Odyssey so I Made Tiny Sandwiches and Large Martinis

I just didn't have time! Actually, that's not true I just didn't play it much. The game has progressed to a point that occurs in many great RPGs, the "where the fuck do you go now" point. Yes, they give you a boat and some vague instructions and basically push you off without even a word of encouragement. I find it very rude.

As a consolation for my game-related troubles, I made myself a series of tiny PB and J sandwiches and Martinis with pickle juice (Pickletinis, if you will). Just delicious.


Unknown said...
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Muffin said...

I have to say I am both intrigued and frightened by this "pickletini" just seems wrong, but maybe so wrong it's right?