Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DC Kitty Pictures

So I try not to go places that don't have at least a couple cats and DC was no exception. We stayed with my buddy and his roommate has 3 adorable kittays, only 2 of which I got good pictures of. So in this post you'll see the lovable Sir Charles of Berleith, a renowned "opera cat" in his meows and the proud owner of two 7-toed paws, then in my new post you'll see Lydia, the squeakball of a kitty that would let out a high pitched "mew" every time you'd touch her. If she wasn't "mewing" she'd be sittin' at the top of the stairs making a low growl, a warning to other kittays, and us I suppose. She's my favorite. The third kitty was named Eva and was a total sweetheart and attention hog, but she just didn't get in good enough light for me to take a good shot. She also has 7-toed paws! I think they're related actually...

Sir Charles of Burleith.

Charlie's leg goin at that ear-itch.

Charles, first shot where you can see his 7 toes!

There's an up-close shot of the 7 toed paws.

Charles lookin at me...he was in the sink before.

Stay tuned for Lydia!

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