Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Drinking Generally Makes Me Want to Play SNES

So, since hooking up my SNES in the living room, I've found that my urge to drink is followed by an urge to play 16 bit games.

So I busted out with the Super Mario All Stars cartridge and after a lot of blowing and messing with the machine in various ways (dollar bill lodged in system allows cartridge to sit in the right manner...etc...) it was time to hit up some of the old favorites...

First up, Super Mario Bros. 2, easily one of the most bizarre of the Mario series.

Turns out my cousin is totally the man at this game by the way and totally rocked it until the last boss. Sadly, the boss was never defeated due to beer and time related issues.

Not long after that session, a Super Mario Bros. 3 session was spawned into the living room.

What a fantastic game, and so great when drinking.

There was also some Megaman X thrown in there somewhere, and Megaman 7...and Mortal Kombat...and Street Fighter II. But that's dull to write about and doing so would compromise the intensity and daring creativity of this post.

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