Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Halo Achievement!

I sat down with Halo today for the first time in a while and I unlocked a brand new achievement: Steppin' Razor! It was during a match of Swords on Guardian, I got 2 Triple Kills, 2 Sword Sprees, a +6 Kill/Death spread (alright, not amazing) and just generally did a lot of stabbing and slashing of my opponents.

Those 2 in the background were my kills, this guy is number 3. If you look closely you'll notice a grenade that he stuck onto my face...

There's me about to explode...

And...well, that kinda speaks for itself, no?

This was me approaching my final victim.

And victory!

A tale of betrayal and heartbreak indeed. Halo continues to be king, Resistance and Warhawk can suck on Master Chiefs sweaty, robotic (I think?) nuts.

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