Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Some Screenshots and Another Achievement

I got another achievement in Halo 3! While it's kind of a boring one (only worth 5G too), I still felt compelled to post about it. It's called Too Close to the Sun and happened when I blasted this guy in a Banshee with a Spartan Laser.

Continuing on the theme of destroying Banshees, here's some shots of me bashing this guy in his Banshee with my Gravity Hammer.

The approach...

Trying to blast me.

So, we learned that one should not fly near the Chief when he's holding a hammer.

And just for kicks, here's a shot of me and an ally getting deeeestroyed from all sides.

Guess I wandered into a bad neighborhood.

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