Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Seriously, Right onto Your Head

Friday, May 1, 2009

Broken Steel in a Mere 4 Days!

Or so they say. I'm ready; I've been dying to play Operation Anchorage and the Pitt for a while now, but I just couldn't justify it without a raised level cap. However, according to Bethesda's Fallout 3 webpage(scroll to the bottom), Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC will be released on May 5! I still think it's too far off and I am having a hard time waiting that long...but I guess I'll have to cope.

Anyway, the add-on will raise the level cap to 30, supposedly change the outcome of the main plot-line, and will feature some new weapons and enemies, like the Heavy Incinerator and Super Mutant Overlord. All in all I guess it's worth the wait... strap on that Enclave Power Armor and get your Fat Man ready, wastelanders. It looks to be a good fight.

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